Thursday, 29 March 2012


I have decided to start reading 1 Psalm a day. I started with Psalms 1, imagine that! Not a very long Psalm, compared to 119, but it is filled full with insight and wisdom.  The three points that I reflected on are:

Refuse to follow the moral orientation (lifestyle) of the world. Be different, set apart, live a prophetic life style saying that there is another way, a better and healthier way and His name is Jesus. (Please note this is NOT an eaiser way, in fact the opposite is true it will be harder, tougher and rougher but it is the only way to life everlasting. Amen).

Mediate: mutter to yourself in pursuit of insight (to know and follow God’s Word). I love the imagery of this, Christians just going through out their day muttering scripture under their breath over and over again, like a cow chewing it’s cud.

I am blessed to be a blessing: a tree bears fruit not for its self, but for others (This metaphor really made me think).

I would suggest chewing on that for a day: you are blessed not for yourself but for others.

Ready and Willing? Really? Are YOU?

It has been a while...

Thursday, 1 March 2012

There are a row of house in San Francisco called the Painted Sisters. These house reminded me of the Painted Sisters, only aged and in disrepair. They made me sad. Shortly after taking this picture, I found out that the leaders of 614 had bought the middle house, and had plans to someday maybe have all three! Oh what hope, these old ladies soon will have new life in them!

My Rock

In the darkness I see no Light. Where are you?
In the chaos I hear no Peace.
Where are you?
In the pain I feel no Hope.
Where are you?
In the fear I am consumed by doubt. I have lost Joy.
Where are you?

I have not forgotten the Truth, I only cannot find Him.

Goodbye sanity, goodbye blue bird. My prayer is that someday soon you will return to me with an olive branch, and then I will once again see the Son, I will feel the warmth of hope on my face and peace will fill me.

I long for that day, when I no longer will be bond by this mortal body with its evil desires. I will at last be free, completely free to be truly human, fully human, no longer a shadow in this waste land.

I will be a real live girl in a whole new world.

Oh what a moment that will be! I must feast on this vision, never letting it slip far from my heart or I will lost, forever.

The assurances that there is more, better greater, far superior, absolutely mind blowing is the thread that keeps me from unravelling into the abyss of never ending sorrows, of hell.

Hold onto, cling to with your dear life, never let go.

We each get one chance to eternal freedom, eternal bliss. All this can only and will only be found in the man who is God, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, the Lover of our broken souls, the Rock on which I stand today declaring that He alone is worthy of all our praise, honour and glory.

Bonhoeffer's Life Together

This past week was Reading Week and we actually were given books to read! Imagine that reading on Reading Break hahaha. Jonathan took the time to pray and pick out a specific book for each of us. I appreciate the thought and time that went into this process, because I trust that the book selection was one inspired by my Father. I have included an extended version of my book report. Please do not think reading this report excuses you from reading it yourself. I recommend you read Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, especially if you live in intentional community or desire to someday.
Life Together is a book written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer In which he explores what it means to be a Christian community through and in Jesus Christ. Life Together is a significant exploration of the Christian faith lived out in Christian community. Bonhoeffer argues that Christian community is not an ideal, but a divine reality, and it is a spiritual reality not a psychic reality.

To read the full report: