Wednesday, 27 June 2018

my shame

I share this because I know I am not the only one who experiences the deep pain of brokenness.

I want you to know you are not alone. I want you to know there is no shame in your pain and brokenness, that you can open up, be honest about the darkness that threatens your life.

This is not about telling you everything will be OK, or even that there is hope in the end. Maybe that's not where you're at.

This is a call to be honest about where you are at. To be honest first with yourself, and then when you have the courage, with others.

"Shame can't survive being spoken." - Brene Brown
Confessions of broken human in a broken world.

The truth is I’ll never be good enough.

Never. No matter how hard I try, I will fail. I will miss the mark.

The pain of failure, of not being good enough, is sharp and persistent.

At times the busyness, achievements, beers dull the pain, but it is ever present, a low hum waiting to return, to remind me of who I am, who I am not.

Sinking in to the darkness, letting go of hope, embracing the self-hatred; like an old friend who never disappoints, never far off, always showing up.

That’s the end.

I want it to be. I want to wallow. I want to rage and hate and hurt. I don’t want to hope or to smile or pray.

I want to hold onto my pain, hating myself, hating you, hating the world, hating God.

But I can’t. I can’t deny the small quite voice that is beckoning me.

He is calling me, into His love, into His peace, into His way of life.

Jesus is calling me out of the darkness into His light.

Darkness will not win, not today.

I will breath. I will live. I will hope for a better day.