Thursday, 17 March 2011

In a Nutshell

What is War College?

The Salvation Army presents The War College, a postmodern incarnational training community to equip and enlist warriors to win the world for Jesus with love.

Location:  Vancouver, Downtown Eastside

People descend on Vancouver in hordes, in searching for the good life. Tragically, many of these people fall through the cracks, as the world’s promises of ‘the good life’ fail to live up to expectations. The marginalized people end up in the downtown eastside, the campus of The War College. Trappings of luxury are eerily juxtaposed with homelessness, wide-open drug traffic and use, and prostitution.

Living Arrangements: Downtown eastside living, among the people, close to the bone. Free from affluence and worldliness.

Duration: One year, including three three-month semesters and one two-month deployment.

Cost: Costs are $6,000 Cdn. This includes fees, books, room, and board. I am budgeting an additional $2,000 for transpiration, medical, spending, emergency, and miscellaneous.

Distinctives of The War College

Devotion“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind …” Luke 10:27.  The year at The War College is one of devoting oneself above all to God. All potential idols are cast away aiming for the eradication of sin and a pure heart of love that comes from The Father.

Service“… and your neighbour as yourself” Luke . At The War College we position ourselves as neighbours to those we encounter in every context. Pouring out our time, resources and emotions are a part of Isaiah’s rebuke, “Spend your life on the poor” Isaiah 58.

Incarnational – Jesus didn’t go home to heaven to sleep every night. He left the comforts of the most exclusive gated community to dwell with us. We live in community with each other and with those we chose to minister with. We are nurtured more when we live in constant community with 24/7 opportunities to love and be loved.


Jesus - To encounter Jesus Christ in the distinctives of The War College, falling in deeper love with Him; integrating intellectual, emotional, experiential and spiritual spheres achieving fullness of Christ and his reign in our community.

Identity – To provide nurturing relationships that help students discover their true self in Christ, dealing with sins, hurt, while celebrating unique giftings and personalities.

Roots – To offer essential Christian foundations in living a practical life of pure love with a consistent world view. We pray that our students would grow deep into the love of God.

Fellowship – To share in corporate activities of prayer, worship, service, solitude, study, fasting and other disciplines forming mature, disciplined warriors.

World-Winning – To equip, spur and send students to take the gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth through cell-pioneering endeavours

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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