Thursday, 4 August 2011

The Apple Tree

Song of Solomon 2:3 (New International Version)
Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest
   is my beloved among the young men.
I delight to sit in his shade,
   and his fruit is sweet to my taste

Jesus you are my apple tree, in you I find shade, rest, beauty, sweet smells, and nourishing delicious fruit… in you Jesus I find delight and I am delighted!

I need you Jesus, because this “world” cannot give me consistency, nor can any human, you alone Jesus are constant. You alone I can turn to all the time, every time and you will never ever disappoint or leave me. Thank you Jesus.

In the Trinity I find and I am in relationship with the perfect Father (Mother), brother/friend/lover and teacher/counsellor. Thank you Father God, Brother Jesus and Teacher Holy Spirit.

On a day like today, with the sun shining, birds singing and the sweet smells of summer I can find delight in my surroundings (though if I think about it, I am finding delight in God’s creation, therefore in Him), but the clouds are coming and the sun’s heat will turn cold…

Do not worry, do not fear! Jesus is ever near and you can find your rest, peace, joy, excitement, love and delight in Him no matter the circumstances. Amen.

Zephaniah (English Standard Version)
They shall seek refuge in the name of the LORD

Jesus is our refuge. We must seek our peace, joy, comfort and rest in Him and Him alone, because He alone can and does deliver us from all our troubles. This does not mean He will take our troubles away, but when we seek Him for help He will give us peace, joy, comfort and rest (and so much more) to make it through the troubled times.

The key is we must seek Him, ask Him for help. I know that I all too often turn to my mom, movies, ice cream, and/or anything else for my peace, joy, comfort and rest, instead of and before Jesus. All these things can only give me temporary, superficial relief. Jesus is the only one who will give me perfect, everlasting peace, joy, comfort and rest.

Turn to Jesus, He is here! Jesus wants to deliver you. Jesus is mighty to save YOU! There is no problem or pain to big or small for Jesus to deal with.

Will you let Jesus be your perfect Friend/Lover/Saviour?

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