Saturday 25 May 2013

It Is Really All About Love

What is the point of living? I asked my Father God this morning, and this is what his Spirit whispered into me heart and mind... 

Other being loved by Me (God) not much Maria, that is kind of the point, Me and you being in a love relationship... Then as you accept my unconditional never ending love and learn to live in it you will start to love people around you, you will be my representative, my ambassador of love and reconciliation to other people and all of creation, by testifying what I have done in your life, seeking and acting in social justice, and bring order and flourishing into the creation by caring and stewarding the environment you live in. 

OK so I need to start by accepting and learning to trust in my Father God's love for me... The more I do this, the more secure I am in His love the more I will love others... So if I am not loving well then maybe it is because I am not secure in His love for me? Maybe it is because I am feeling a need to control (remember my idols) things myself and seek comfort (idol) in things other then Him?

Are you resting in your heavenly Fathers love for you? Or are you worshiping your idols (read yesterday's blog called Idols)? 

I confess I am still worshiping my idols, trying to control the situation and seeking comfort in things other than my good Father God in heaven... oh help me God, help me. 


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