Friday 19 August 2011

Joel 2


For the day of the Lord is coming, it is near.

The Lord is raising up a great and powerful people, like never has never been seen before or will ever be seen again.

Do you want to be apart of these people? I want to be a part of these people.

Jesus is raising up an army.
Will you enlist into His army? Yes. I am in. Amen.

It is not to late. Repent. Return to the Lord with ALL (your undivided devotion) heart, with fasting, weeping and mourning.

Repentance is no casual one liner, it is a get on your face, stop eating and cry out to God for forgiven.

He is quick to hear your cries and to forgive you. He will lift your face dry your tears, forgive you (100%) and fill you with His Spirit! YES! AMEN!

Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful,
Slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love,
And He relents over disaster.

Oh Church,

Call the people to fast and pray,
as a group,
as the Church,
as an army,
as the Body of Christ,
unite as one group,
crying out to our Father for mercy and to reveal Himself to our nations.
This is the calling of ALL followers of King Jesus,
weep and cry out “Spare your people, O Lord”

When we do this, when we humble ourselves before our God,
when we fast and pray,
He will pour out His Spirit,
and it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved! Amen.

So, are you willing?
Will you sound the trumpet with me?
Will you fast and pray for your communities?
Will you be a part of the great and might army that King Jesus is raising up?

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